Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Pecos Score Card

Now that the hullabaloo over Sachin's scoring record is slowly ebbing, this seems like a good time to recall another score card that was eagerly watched back in the day.

Back in what day, you ask? Back in the day when the sheekh kabab rolls at Fanoos tasted less like leather and more like beef. Back in the day when a Darshini didn't need to advertise '101 Dosa Veritis' or put gold leaves in their dosas to be cool. Back in the day when the Empire Hotel shawarma rolls were as big as... well, they were bigger!

So, anyway, back in the day, everyone that was anyone had one of these score cards and they were quite the prized possession, cataloguing victories and triumphs of the beer kind. I present to you ExhibitB: (because B for beer da! Get with the program!)

Of course the real veterans had two cards each, one for pitchers (when drinking with friends) and one for mugs (when drinking alone). This card and it's sister were my last two cards at Pecos, started but never finished, partly because Pecos itself is now finished. Gone are the days of beautiful chili beef, excellent tacos with no bell attached, and superb ambience peppered with watered-down beer.

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